Glow with 5 Fruit & Veg Servings Daily

If you were to ask me what the one rule is to glow and stay slim and healthy after 40, I'd tell you this simple rule. Yes, that's one of the basic principles of a healthy diet. Proper nutrition is not just about special recipes, foods, dishes, menus - it's also about following this simple rule! Note that this is not a diet, but a easy way to be healthy and slim! And do not count calories))))) It's that simple!

If you were to ask me what the one rule is to glow and stay slim and healthy after 40, I’d tell you this simple rule. Yes, that’s one of the basic principles of a healthy diet. Proper nutrition is not just about special recipes, foods, dishes, menus – it’s also about following this simple rule! Note that this is not a diet, but a easy way to be healthy and slim! And do not count calories))))) It’s that simple!

Chances are you’ve heard the phrase “5 a day” and wondered if focusing on adding healthy veggies to each meal can really make a difference in the midst of chaotic days. But take it from this busy mom… small, consistent actions yield big wellness rewards over time!

So now let’s walk through why choosing just 5 servings of gorgeous greens, juicy berries, and vibrant plants every day helps us check off so many self-care boxes each mommy desperately needs:

☑️ Fiber for satiety to curb cravings

☑️ Disease fighting compounds to boost immunity

☑️ Youth extending antioxidants for glowing skin

☑️ Metabolism fueling nutrients to support healthy weight

☑️ Vitamins to support energy and mood

See why I commit to “5 a day”? Simple, practical habits keep me feeling light, bright, and ready to delight my loved ones with the best version of me!

5 fruits and vegetables a day

In France, where I was lucky enough to live, this is almost the national motto for healthy eating)). Maybe that’s why we love the way French women look? Yes, they really do eat a lot of veggies and Toons of greens)).

Why is it so important? Because fruits and vegetables contain:

  • Vitamins
  • Micronutrients
  • Antioxidants
  • Fiber

All of these are extremely important, both for our proper digestion and for our overall health and beauty. For example, in order to keep our skin looking younger and fresher for longer, a proper and healthy diet plays the most important role.

And thanks to their high fiber content, vegetables fill us up without adding too many calories (of course, it also depends on how you prepare them))) and allow you to feel less hungry for longer, because fiber takes much longer to digest. And all this contributes to our weight loss!

But, you have to agree – it all seems simple, but it sounds a bit long, doesn’t it? How many is it – 5 servings, when and which ones are allowed? In fact, count almost everything and always, so it will not be difficult to collect your five))) Now everything in detail)))

How much counts?

  • 1 serving = 80g of fresh or frozen (in extreme cases, canned) fruits and vegetables counts as 1 of your 5 daily servings.
  • 1 serving = 30g of dried fruit (which is about the same as 80g of fresh fruit) counts as 1 serving of your 5 a day.
  • Only 1 serving per day = 150 ml of fruit juice, vegetable juice or smoothie. Limit liquid fruits and vegetables to 150ml per day. And only counts once a day, which means that second smoothie today won’t count toward your “5 a day” total…
  • Only 1 serving per day = 80g of legumes. Yes, only 80g counts no matter how much you eat. That’s because while they’re a good source of fiber, they contain fewer nutrients than other fruits and vegetables.
If you were to ask me what the one rule is to glow and stay slim and healthy after 40, I'd tell you this simple rule. Yes, that's one of the basic principles of a healthy diet. Proper nutrition is not just about special recipes, foods, dishes, menus - it's also about following this simple rule! Note that this is not a diet, but a easy way to be healthy and slim! And do not count calories))))) It's that simple!

How and what counts?

  • Vegetables and fruits in any dish (soups, pasta, stews) – you don’t have to eat them separately, even those cooked in dishes count.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Frozen foods
  • Canned – I’m all for fresh, of course, but if there is no other option, choose canned fruits and vegetables in natural juice or water with no added sugar or salt.
  • Dried fruits – but it is better to eat them at meals rather than as snacks to reduce the harmful effects of the sugar they contain on your teeth.
  • WARNING: Potatoes DO NOT count toward the total. Although potatoes are a great source of energy, fiber, B vitamins, and potassium, they are still a starch and we substitute them for things like bread or rice.
  • Vitamins and various supplements DO NOT count because they do not contain fiber, which is important for our digestion.

Here are examples of a serving


  • Half a large grapefruit
  • 5 cm slice of cantaloupe
  • 2 plums
  • 3 apricots
  • 1 tablespoon raisins
  • 150 ml smoothie or juice


  • 1 medium carrot
  • 3 tablespoons with a sliver of green peas or corn
  • Small plate of lettuce (meaning greens)
  • 2 broccoli florets

Vegetable to fruit ratio

And there is a nuance: of course we should eat our “5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day”, but the ratio of vegetables to fruits is not equal, but approximately as follows

4 servings of vegetables to 1 serving of fruit (maximum 3 to 2).

Despite the fact that fruits contain a lot of vitamins, antioxidants and fiber, they also contain fructose (i.e. sugar and calories – the main enemy of weight loss). And we always want to be slim and trim, don’t we?

And fruits are often even lower in nutritional value and vitamin content (what a surprise!) than vegetables.

I am not calling for giving up fruits (I love and appreciate them myself, each one has its own unique benefits for the body) – we just try to keep the 4 to 1 ratio.

Too difficult? Simple fix!

I imagine it’s all too hard to remember. And then there’s the counting… No, I don’t bother with that. I keep it simple).

I’ve made a simple rule for myself:

At every meal, exactly half of my plate is vegetables.

It’s that simple!

And I know it’s just that sometimes it can be hard to incorporate so many servings of vegetables into your diet when you’re not used to it. Here are some ideas.

If you were to ask me what the one rule is to glow and stay slim and healthy after 40, I'd tell you this simple rule. Yes, that's one of the basic principles of a healthy diet. Proper nutrition is not just about special recipes, foods, dishes, menus - it's also about following this simple rule! Note that this is not a diet, but a easy way to be healthy and slim! And do not count calories))))) It's that simple!

How to eat more vegetables

  1. Add beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas everywhere: in stews, soups, salads, baked dishes.
  2. Try to use even two servings of vegetables at a time in a meal: for example, if you have a risotto with peas and chicken, you can add carrots or broccoli to your plate.
  3. Start with vegetables and then eat everything else – this way you will definitely eat your 1 out of 5 servings and also fill your stomach with healthy fiber, which will keep you feeling full quickly and for a long time.
  4. Switch to vegetable snacks: carrots, pumpkin, radish, celery, peas – ideal (healthy, convenient and quick to prepare).
  5. Add vegetables to smoothies – in addition to fruit, vegetables (tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, beetroot…) and different types of greens (spinach, rocket, kale…) are also perfect in smoothies.
  6. Replace creamy cheese-based sauces with vegetable-based sauces – like tomato sauces (you can add them to pasta, rice or potatoes)
  7. Are you used to a sweet, fruity breakfast? Sometimes you can replace it with a veggie one (like a frittata or baked mushrooms with spinach and a poached egg).
  8. Stock up on frozen vegetables for when you need to make a quick dinner – they’re already chopped (carrots, broccoli, green beans, corn, peas, peppers… or just a mix) and can be easily and quickly combined with, say, rice, pasta, or scrambled eggs.
  9. Eat more salads – this is an ingenious invention for best nutrition (especially after 40)! You can put so many healthy things in them: start with lettuce leaves, for example, and add whatever you like: chopped tomatoes, red onions, apples, pears, celery, roasted beets, grated raw carrots, lentils… In general, the sky is the limit! BUT! It’s important to remember that the wrong additives or dressings can derail your efforts:

● Avoid anything fried in the salad (if meat, then boiled or baked)
● Try to use a smaller portion of fatty foods – fish, cheese, nuts
● Switch to different sauces: French dressing instead of mayonnaise, for example.

In general, try to eat your portion of vegetables – they are not only rich in vitamins and minerals, which helps us to be healthier, but also thanks to fiber they satisfy hunger (and for a long time), which allows you to avoid unnecessary snacking and therefore – to lose weight!

What is your favorite way to add more vegetables to your diet? Which one would you use tomorrow, for example?)) Share in the comments!

Happiness and good health to you!

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