Do you know what really keeps us young? What are the smoothies that make our skin look glowing and radiant? And how do you make these magical anti-aging smoothies?

Do you know what really keeps us young? What are the smoothies that make our skin look glowing and radiant? And how do you make these magical anti-aging smoothies?

When I saw Bea’s mom, I just froze in amazement – they looked just like sisters!!!! Mother and daughter! How is that possible?

Fair question – who is Bea?)))) and why was I so surprised?))))) I’ll tell you all about it now)).

And if you are not interested in this story, jump straight to the end of the post about smoothies for youthful skin!)))

European Grandmother

Quite a long time ago we lived in Austria (and a little later you’ll understand why it’s important to say this now). I had a girlfriend – Beatrice, but she asked me to call her just Bea, so here she will be just Bea))).

Our children were the same age, so we often chatted with her about this and that, met at playgrounds, visited each other, went to cafes, museums – in general, it was fun and useful to spend time with her. For me, it was an added benefit that in addition to easy and pleasant communication, I also received a significant amount of practice for my German)).

Bea was a single working mother who, like many European women, gave birth to her first child quite late in life. That means she was much older than me at the time. And much busier – besides working and taking care of the child, Bea also had time to go to some classes, dances, etc. So she had this privilege of being able to live for herself)).

Well, Bea’s mom had it too. When she retired, she resumed her hobby and started painting again. What’s more, she even exhibited in galleries, participated in shows and hung out at different art shows. Riding a bicycle, going to the pool and picnics with friends. In addition, she traveled a lot and often, so she had no time for her grandson. She could stay with him literally a couple of hours in two months …

This whole situation, of course, surprised me very much – in my mentality grandmothers behave a little differently)).

And I, of course, really wanted to see this “grandmother” – knowing so many details about her from Bea, I couldn’t wait to see her)).

And so I had this lucky chance.

My little shock

And when I saw her, I was just stunned!!!!

She looked just like a sister next to my friend. I had imagined her quite differently (knowing how much older Bea is, I could guess what an Austrian grandmother would look like)).

But in front of me was a well-groomed middle-aged woman who could not be called a grandmother. She was wearing an elegant pantsuit in the color of coffee and milk, naturally careless haircut and a glass with something incomprehensible in her hands (I’ll get ahead of myself – she had a smoothie in her hands. I did not know anything about them at that time, but my friend’s advanced mom was already using their convenience)).

And when she saw my surprise (which I obviously couldn’t hide), Bea told me that her mom looks so good and young because she’s very careful about her diet.



I was just blown away!

Do you know what really keeps us young? What are the smoothies that make our skin look glowing and radiant? And how do you make these magical anti-aging smoothies?

What about anti-aging cosmetics?

At the time, it was not at all obvious to me that nutrition could be responsible for our youthfulness…

I thought that only the right care could make us “young forever”. And by proper care, I meant the expensive creams, cleansers, lotions, etc. that we all know. Skin care products that the cosmetic industry has been touting.

I sincerely believed in it at the time.

How wrong I was…

Later I read a lot of studies about how harmful these “saviors of youth” are to all of us. And that instead of doing us good, they actually do us harm.

That all these creams only end up taking away the health and youthfulness of our skin (in the future), despite the fact that they may have a visible effect now.

And that’s when Bea’s mother became the first signal for me to think. What’s really important for our youth????

What’s important for our youth

So what is important to keep our skin young and healthy?

It’s a whole series of life changes, not just another hyped cream. Only by doing all of these (well, most of these 11 steps) do we really give our skin health and youth.

Yes, creams can provide a visible, temporary effect that “masks” the problem. But only by following these 11 steps can we build skin health from the inside out – so that every new skin cell is born and grows healthy – and doesn’t age and die quickly.

True youth comes from within!

Do you know what really keeps us young? What are the smoothies that make our skin look glowing and radiant? And how do you make these magical anti-aging smoothies?

And of course, one of those important building blocks for the youthfulness of our skin is nutrition, as Bea said about her mother. And she, it must be said, looked about 20 years younger than her years!

And we can talk about the diet that helps us stay young and fresh for weeks on end)). This is a complex and very broad subject.

  • First of all, there are the antioxidants, which fight the free radicals that cause the aging of our skin (and the whole organism).
  • And, of course, there are healthy fats, which provide nourishment and elasticity to our skin.
  • There are also essential minerals that energize our skin with important nutrients – and now there are more and more studies confirming that we need so many different trace elements, their combinations and compounds!
  • This includes vitamins (especially A, C and E, although others are equally important). – which nourish the skin from within, keeping it smooth, healthy and radiant.

And this means that only by filling our diets with a variety of fruits and vegetables and the right fats will we get the full range of their benefits.

Of course, all this is difficult to take into account all at once – I understand))).

This is where smoothies can help!


Feel Amazing Again With This Clean Eating Guide!

Best Anti-Aging Smoothies

When it comes to quick fixes, smoothies work better than ever.)

And as a working mom of three – like many women – it’s important to me that the recipes are not only delicious, but also quick and effective. Right, girls?))

That’s why smoothies are love forever!))

Because in them – just a concentration of usefulness! You can immediately add some superfoods for young and healthy skin. These products are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and the right fats – everything that contributes to the health of our skin, fights free radicals (which bring premature aging), makes the skin elastic, firm and radiant.

Because smoothies are easy, fast, delicious and incredibly healthy! You can get so much goodness in one glass!

Like these smoothies, whose recipes I want to share with you today – they are my favorite drinks for young and radiant skin))).

But there is one caution. As convenient and popular as smoothies are, you should NOT drink them all the time. This means that your diet should NOT consist entirely of smoothies. Here are some tips to help you find a balance:

Do you know what really keeps us young? What are the smoothies that make our skin look glowing and radiant? And how do you make these magical anti-aging smoothies?

And what I like about smoothies is that they can be made all year round, not just in the summer season. Because even frozen foods and berries are perfect for these smoothies, because berries do not lose their beneficial properties when frozen (and some on the contrary – even increase!)).

So, if you want to fill your skin with freshness and radiance, just substitute one of these smoothies for your breakfast or afternoon snack – you will definitely notice the difference in the mirror after a while.

#1. My Glorious Anti-Aging Superfood Smoothie

Oh, this smoothie is an absolute dream come true for anyone who wants to fight back against those pesky signs of aging! It’s easily one of my favorite concoctions because it’s absolutely loaded with some of nature’s most powerful youth-boosting ingredients.

First, we have the dynamic duo of strawberries and blueberries, which are bursting with antioxidants that help neutralize those nasty free radicals that can wreak havoc on our skin and overall health. These little gems are like superheroes to our cells!

And let’s not forget the humble banana, which not only adds a delightful natural sweetness, but also provides us with a hefty dose of potassium-a mineral essential for keeping our skin supple and hydrated. Say goodbye to dryness and dullness!

But wait, there’s more! We’ve also thrown cashews and hemp seeds into the mix, giving us a delicious dose of plant-based protein, healthy fats, and a whole host of other essential nutrients our bodies crave. Talk about a one-way ticket to feeling fabulous from the inside out!

Here’s where things get really exciting: raw cacao powder and chaga mushroom powder. These two superfoods are like the ultimate dynamic duo in the fight against aging. raw cacao powder is literally the most antioxidant-rich food on the planet, helping to boost collagen production and keep our skin looking positively glowing.

And chaga mushroom powder? Well, this medicinal mushroom is a real powerhouse when it comes to fighting inflammation and boosting our overall well-being. It’s like a secret weapon in our anti-aging arsenal!

To top it off, we’ve added a touch of collagen powder for an extra dose of skin-firming goodness, and a touch of raw honey for its enzymatic benefits and natural sweetness.

Do you know what really keeps us young? What are the smoothies that make our skin look glowing and radiant? And how do you make these magical anti-aging smoothies?

What you’ll need:

How to make:

  • Just throw all of these delicious ingredients into your trusty blender, add a little water or nut milk, and blend until smooth and creamy. It’s that easy, gorgeous!

Trust me, this smoothie is like a fountain of youth in a glass. Not only is it absolutely delicious, but it’s also a surefire way to nourish your body with some of the most powerful anti-aging nutrients out there. So what are you waiting for? Let’s blend our way to radiant, youthful beauty together!


Ageless Beauties Secrets

#2. Rejuvenating Smoothie

This smoothie can literally do wonders for your skin!

Thanks to its antioxidants and healthy fats, it not only promotes skin regeneration and stops the aging process, but it also effectively fights inflammation: acne (and its marks), dry skin, and even eczema (!!!).

The vitamins in this smoothie (especially vitamin C) help with the proper production of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity and wrinkle-free skin. The avocado in this smoothie is high in vitamin E and healthy fats, which have powerful anti-aging properties and help prevent free radical damage to our skin cells.

And there is a secret ingredient in this smoothie that helps you stay young!

The amla in this smoothie is the ancient Ayurvedic superfood full of antioxidants, concentrated vitamin C, protective flavonoids and other polyphenols. All of this makes this powder a powerful detoxifier and free radical suppressor, making it a super product for healthy and firm skin. It is simply a powerful rejuvenating herb!

The more you drink it, the more powerful this rejuvenating effect will be)).

In general, anyone who needs to restore the skin – drink this smoothie! ))))

Do you know what really keeps us young? What are the smoothies that make our skin look glowing and radiant? And how do you make these magical anti-aging smoothies?

What you’ll need:

  • ½ avocado
  • 2 kiwis
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil (or macadamia oil)
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2-4 sprigs parsley (or coriander, if desired)
  • ¼ zucchini or 1 carrot
  • 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
  • 1 tsp amla powder or 1 tbsp amla juice
  • 1 cup milk (plant milk – of your choice) or yogurt
  • Honey (optional)

How to make:

  • First you need to grind the flax seeds – a coffee grinder or even a mortar will do. If you don’t have this option, soak the flax seeds in warm water for at least 30 minutes.
  • It is also important to chop (or even grate) carrots or zucchini as finely as possible if your blender is not powerful enough.
  • It is worth preparing some vegetable milk beforehand – how to make almond milk I wrote a little above, and how to make oat milk you can find here (see point 6).
  • And now everything is simple – put into the blender jug in this order: greens, grated zucchini or carrots, sliced cucumber, then flax seeds, amla and oil, add sliced kiwi and avocado and pour vegetable milk or yogurt. Now and at this stage you can add honey, but it is better to try it without at first)).
  • Now press the button of your blender – and your super rejuvenating smoothie is ready!

#3. Red smoothie for glowing skin

This was once a discovery for me)). Such amazing products in it! But each one serves a different important function:

  • Beets help detoxify and promote natural skin detoxification, they nourish your skin with iron and zinc, which helps improve circulation (and your face color))).
  • Raspberries, of course, are a great source of antioxidants that promote youthful skin, while omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids keep skin supple. And thanks to anthocyanins, raspberries also reduce inflammation throughout the body, including the skin, and slow skin aging.
  • Aloe Vera is a well-known “skin healer” – it heals, deeply moisturizes, and helps regenerate and renew skin.
  • Chlorophyll from zucchini or broccoli has high antioxidant activity as it contains vitamin K, enzymes, minerals, vitamins – all of which prolong our youth.
  • Brazil nuts contain selenium, which makes the skin more elastic, and copper, which helps in the production of melanin, as well as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, which nourish and moisturize the skin.

Thanks to this smoothie, you can say “hello” to a beautiful face color and really good looking skin.

By the way, this smoothie can easily become a delicious dessert or spread on bread or crackers if you remove the liquid from the recipe)).

Do you know what really keeps us young? What are the smoothies that make our skin look glowing and radiant? And how do you make these magical anti-aging smoothies?

What you’ll need:

  • 1/2 cup fresh raspberries (you can also use frozen)
  • 1/2 medium beet
  • 1 cup coconut water (or green tea, or just water)
  • 2 tablespoons aloe vera
  • 2 Brazil nuts (or 2 walnuts)
  • ½ cup zucchini or broccoli (you can even use frozen) – if possible
  • Honey – if desired

How to make:

  • First, let me say that you can use the beets in this smoothie raw – and then you need to chop them finely before putting them in the blender. If you’re afraid, you can substitute roasted (or cooked) beets for raw beets – and then you don’t even have to chop them, the blender will do that for you)).
  • Broccoli and zucchini can also be used raw (and even frozen) – and don’t worry, you won’t taste them)))
  • For the aloe gel, you can use ready-made aloe gel, or you can just take it from big aloe leaves (sometimes they are sold in supermarkets, at least where I live)). But after we cut them, we have to wait until the cut does not secrete yellow liquid – we have to remove it. And then these leaves should be put in the refrigerator in the vegetable department for at least one day – so aloe will enter its full power.
  • And now everything is simple – put it in the blender and press the button. Smoothie is ready!)))

Of course, you can come up with an incredible variety of such smoothies, as nature has enriched us with an incredible abundance of useful superfoods!

But these smoothies are (in my opinion) the easiest and most effective. And most importantly, they work! If you drink them regularly, they can really do wonders for the way your skin looks.

And of course, I can’t help but ask – what do you drink to keep your skin young? Or what do you use?)))) Please tell me your secrets to NOT aging in the comments!

This article and any information contained herein does not constitute medical advice, treatment and/or diagnosis. Please consult your physician for any questions regarding your health.

Be always glowing and young!

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