Best supplements for women in our 40s

Supplements for women over 40 can work wonders, but these 11 are in a league of their own! Discover the secret to ageless energy and vitality. Ready to feel 20 years younger? Read on for the list!

I remember myself (I just turned 41 that year), standing in the supplement aisle, feeling totally overwhelmed. So. So many. Bottles. How is a girl in her 40s supposed to know what she needs?

I bet I’m not the only one feeling this way.

We’re all trying to take care of ourselves, but it’s like we need a PhD in nutrition just to figure out which vitamins to take!

That’s when I remembered my amazing friend who is a naturopath. (Lucky me, right?) So I called her, feeling lost in this sea of vitamins. And bless her heart, she helped me!

We ran a bunch of vitamin deficiency tests together – it was like being a scientist in my own little health lab! (I didn’t know back then that there are some cool at-home tests you can do now to check for deficiencies).

Anyway, my naturopathic friend became my personal health guru. And guess what? She’s all about keeping things as natural as possible. So she broke down the essentials – you know, the supplements that are like the little black dress of the vitamin world.

And of course I have to share this information with my girls! Because let’s face it, we’re all in this together.

We’re navigating our 40s like bosses, but our bodies are changing, and sometimes it feels like they have a mind of their own, right?

So grab a cup of tea (or wine, no judgment!) and let’s talk about the supplements that can help us feel our best.

I’m talking about the ones that:

  • keep our skin glowing,
  • help us to sleep better,
  • give us that extra bounce in our step,
  • and maybe even help with those “what did I say?” moments.

Supplements to feel our best in our 40s

Here’s the scoop on what we really need, with an emphasis on natural options. Because let’s face it – we have enough on our plates without adding a million pills to the mix!

1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Your Body’s Best Friend

Ok, have you heard about inflammation-the silent troublemaker in our bodies? Of course you have)). You know how some days you wake up feeling like the Tin Man from Oz, all creaky and stiff? That’s inflammation saying “hello!” And it’s not just in our joints. It’s everywhere, causing all sorts of havoc.

Think about it: we’re stressed (hello, deadline at work!), we sometimes eat things we shouldn’t (late-night ice cream, anyone?), and let’s not even talk about that extra glass of wine on girls’ night out. It all adds up to a perfect storm of inflammation in our bodies.

And don’t even get me started on hormones! As we gracefully stride into our forties, our hormones start doing the cha-cha. One minute we’re hot, the next we’re cold, and our moods? Well, let’s just say our families deserve medals for putting up with us sometimes!

Enter omega-3s, your new BFF in this wild ride called midlife.

Supplements for women over 40 can work wonders, but these 11 are in a league of their own! Discover the secret to ageless energy and vitality. Ready to feel 20 years younger? Read on for the list!


  • Keeps your heart doing the happy dance. It’s like a love letter to your cardiovascular system!
  • Helps your brain stay sharp. No more walking into a room and forgetting why you’re there)).
  • Fights inflammation like a superhero!
  • Give your immune system a high-five, potentially helping with autoimmune issues.
  • May help keep cancer at bay (though more research is needed, it looks promising!).
  • Give your liver a break by reducing fatty liver.
  • Might even help keep the blues at bay. Because who has time for a midlife crisis?
  • Beauty Bonus: Hello, glowing, radiant skin! It’s like an internal moisturizer.

Find it in: Oily fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines), walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, avocados.

Pro Tip: If you’re feeling brave, try some cod liver oil. It’s like liquid gold for your body! Not only is it rich in omega-3s, but it’s also an excellent source of vitamins A and D, which improve immune system function, cell growth, eye health, and reproduction, and can even help improve a number of skin conditions, including acne, rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema. And it’s natural! A total win-win!

Sofi’s secret: Look for organic fish oil in dark bottles. And if you’re not a fan of fishy burps (ugh, who is?), try fish oil capsules and store them in the freezer. Trust me, it helps!

2. NAD+

Your Cellular Time Machine

And now I want to talk about something that may sound a little sci-fi, but trust me, it’s as real as those fine lines we’re trying to smooth out. It’s called NAD+ (which stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). It regulates cellular functions, neuroprotection, and DNA repair. So really helps anti-aging. It’s like having a time machine for every cell in your body!

Remember when we could bounce back from anything life threw at us? Late nights, stress, that extra slice of cake? Well, back then our bodies had a secret weapon – lots of NAD+. But just like our metabolism, NAD+ levels start to decline after the age of 30. By the time we’re 70, we’ve lost up to 65% of it! No wonder we’re feeling a little…shall we say, vintage)))?

Enter NAD+ supplements, your new best friend in the fight against time. It’s like giving each of your 37.2 trillion cells a youth serum!


  • Turns back your cellular clock, helping your body function like it did in your younger years.
  • Boosts energy like you just had the best nap ever (minus the pillow creases on your face)
  • Helps keep your brain sharp. No more “Where did I put my… everything?”
    Supports cellular repair. It’s like sending tiny construction crews to fix your body.
  • Supports heart health. Keeps the ticker ticking!
  • Aids muscle recovery. Because let’s face it, we don’t bounce back from workouts like we used to.
  • Manages lifestyle stress. It’s like having a Zen master in every cell.)))
  • Improves sleep quality. Wake up feeling like you’ve actually slept!
  • Beauty Bonus: It also supports collagen regeneration, so hello clearer skin, shinier hair and stronger nails! Who needs filters when you’ve got NAD+?

Find it in: While our bodies naturally produce NAD+, you can boost your levels with supplements like Tru Niagen.

Pro Tip: Start with 300 mg daily if you’re in your 30s or 40s. As you age or face more stress, you may want to increase to 1000 mg. But always check with your doctor first!

Sofi’s secret: If you need an extra energy kick, pair it with a Stress B Complex and some L-Tyrosine. And maybe go easy on the caffeine at first – your newly energized cells might make your morning joe hit differently!

Supplements for women over 40 can work wonders, but these 11 are in a league of their own! Discover the secret to ageless energy and vitality. Ready to feel 20 years younger? Read on for the list!

3. B Vitamins

Your Energy Fairy Godmothers

Okay, real talk time. Remember when we could pull an all-nighter and still function the next day? Yeah, those days are long gone. Now it’s like our energy is on a roller coaster – up, down, and sometimes just… gone.

At 3 p.m., I used to dream of face-planting into my desk for a nap. Sound familiar?

That’s where B vitamins come in. They’re like little energy fairies, sprinkling pep into your step all day long.

But it’s not all about energy. B vitamins are multitaskers (just like us!). They help with everything from making red blood cells to keeping our nerves healthy. They’re our body’s super heroes.

Supplements for women over 40 can work wonders, but these 11 are in a league of their own! Discover the secret to ageless energy and vitality. Ready to feel 20 years younger? Read on for the list!


  • Turns food into energy. No more afternoon slumps!
  • Keeps your mind sharp. Where did I put my keys? Oh, they’re in my hand.
  • Helps you handle stress like a boss. Bring it on Monday mornings!
  • Helps maintain a healthy nervous system. Because life is too short for frayed nerves.
  • May help reduce inflammation in the body (and remember, that’s the main cause of almost all disease).
  • Beauty Bonus: Great for skin, hair and nails! Who doesn’t want a natural glow?

Find it in: Eggs, chicken, fish, lentils, bananas, whole-grain bread, and leafy greens. For B12 specifically, animal products are your best bet.

Pro Tip: Look for a B complex that has all the B vitamins. They work best as a team! And here’s a little secret – take your B vitamins in the morning. They can give you a little energy boost, so taking them at night might interfere with your sleep. It’s like drinking coffee before bed – not a good idea!

Sofi’s secret: If you’re feeling extra fancy, try adding some nutritional yeast to your food. It’s packed with B vitamins and gives you a cheesy flavor without the dairy. Popcorn with nutritional yeast? Chef’s kiss!

Supplements for women over 40 can work wonders, but these 11 are in a league of their own! Discover the secret to ageless energy and vitality. Ready to feel 20 years younger? Read on for the list!

4. Magnesium

Your chill pill

Ladies, let’s get real for a second. Life in our forties can be… intense. We’re juggling careers, maybe kids (who are probably teenagers by now, God help us), aging parents, and trying to maintain some semblance of a social life. Oh, and have I mentioned the joys of perimenopause?

Night sweats, mood swings, trouble sleeping – sound familiar? I thought it might.

Enter magnesium, your new chill pill. This mineral is like that friend who always knows how to calm you down and make you feel good about yourself.

Supplements for women over 40 can work wonders, but these 11 are in a league of their own! Discover the secret to ageless energy and vitality. Ready to feel 20 years younger? Read on for the list!


  • Helps you sleep like a baby. Remember sleep? That thing we used to do before we turned forty?
  • Keeps you calm and collected. Road rage? Never heard of it.
  • Say goodbye to muscle spasms. No more Charley horses waking you up at 2am!
  • Might even help with those lovely menopause symptoms. Hot flashes, meet your match.
  • Plays a role in blood sugar regulation, which is great for overall health.
  • And may even help prevent migraines (yoohoo!).
  • Beauty Bonus: magnesium can help with skin problems such as wrinkles, fine lines, dryness, inflammation and redness.

Find it in: Dark chocolate (yes, you heard me!), avocados, bananas, nuts and seeds, leafy greens.

Pro Tip: There are several forms of magnesium – just choose the one that suits your needs (see picture below). For example, I take magnesium glycinate at bedtime. It’s easier on the stomach than other forms plus it’s highly bioavailable)).

Sofi’s secret: I like to have a little magnesium-rich snack before bed – a square of dark chocolate and some almonds. Yeah, a little bedtime treat that’s actually good for you!

Supplements for women over 40 can work wonders, but these 11 are in a league of their own! Discover the secret to ageless energy and vitality. Ready to feel 20 years younger? Read on for the list!

5. Ashwagandha

Your Stress-Busting Buddy

Okay, girls, let’s get real about stress. Between work, family, and trying to maintain some semblance of a social life, sometimes it feels like we’re juggling chainsaws while riding a unicycle. On fire.

Add in the joys of perimenopause, and it’s like our bodies decided to throw a hormone party without inviting us. Rude, right?

Enter ashwagandha, your new stress-busting bestie. I first learned about it when I was dealing with high cortisol, and cocktails with it helped me soooo much!

This herb has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, and let me tell you, our ancestors were onto something!

Supplements for women over 40 can work wonders, but these 11 are in a league of their own! Discover the secret to ageless energy and vitality. Ready to feel 20 years younger? Read on for the list!


  • Helps your body deal with stress-goodbye, frazzled nerves!
  • Improves sleep quality – for those nights when your mind just won’t turn off.
  • Could boost energy and reduce fatigue, improve concentration and memory.
  • Help balance those crazy hormones and support thyroid function.
  • May even boost fertility and sexual function (wink, wink!).
  • Beauty Bonus: Less stress means clearer, happier skin!

Find it in: It’s an herb, so you’ll need a supplement. Look for it in capsules, powders, or even teas.

Pro tip: Ashwagandha can interact with some medications, so always check with your doctor first. And if you’re taking it for stress, consistency is key. It’s not a quick fix, but give it a few weeks and you may find yourself feeling a lot calmer. Good things come to those who wait! Give it time to work its magic))

Sofi’s secret: I like to add ashwagandha powder to my smoothies. It has a slightly earthy taste, but mixed with some banana and cinnamon, you’ll barely notice it. And try taking it at night – it might help you drift off to dreamland a little easier.

Although there are different ways to take ashwagandha, depending on your purposes (see the picture below) – just remember that it’s an adaptogen, so it adapts to your body’s own needs.

Supplements for women over 40 can work wonders, but these 11 are in a league of their own! Discover the secret to ageless energy and vitality. Ready to feel 20 years younger? Read on for the list!

6. Vitamin D

Bottled Sunshine

All right, let’s talk about the sunshine vitamin. Remember when we were kids and our moms practically had to drag us inside on sunny days? Now we avoid the sun like vampires to keep our skin youthful. Oh, the irony!

But here’s the thing: Our bodies crave that sunshine goodness. Vitamin D isn’t just a vitamin; it’s actually a hormone that our bodies produce when our skin gets some sun love. Crazy, right?

As we get older, our skin becomes less efficient at making vitamin D. Combine that with our sunscreen habits, and we’ve got a recipe for vitamin D deficiency. And let me tell you, being low on D is no fun. It can leave you feeling tired, achy, and maybe even a little depressed.


  • Keeps your bones strong. Osteoporosis? Not on our watch!
  • Boosts your mood. Who needs a tropical vacation when you’ve got vitamin D? (Okay, we still want that vacation…)
  • Supports your immune system. It’s like a personal bodyguard for your health.
  • Helps you fight off colds. Nobody has time for sick days!
  • Supports muscle function. And that keeps us strong and active (yay!).
  • May even help with weight management (only if you need it, my dear).
  • Beauty Bonus: Might even help your hair grow! Who doesn’t want luscious locks?

Find it in: Sunlight (carefully!, better from 6 to 10 am and from 4 pm on), oily fish, egg yolks, mushrooms.

Pro tip: If you’re ready to step up your wellness game, try cod liver oil. It’s packed with vitamin D, A and those omega-3 fatty acids we talked about earlier. Kill two birds with one stone!

Sofi’s secret: Take it with some healthy fat. Your body will thank you! I like to take mine with my morning avocado toast. Yum!

Supplements for women over 40 can work wonders, but these 11 are in a league of their own! Discover the secret to ageless energy and vitality. Ready to feel 20 years younger? Read on for the list!

7. Probiotics

Guardians of Gut Health

Let’s talk about your guts, ladies. I know, not the sexiest topic, but stick with me.

Did you know that your gut is like a second brain? It’s true! There’s this whole universe of bacteria living in there, and keeping them happy is super important.

As we age, our digestive system can get a little… temperamental. Bloating, irregular trips to the bathroom, feeling blah after meals-sound familiar? That’s where probiotics come in. They’re like little superheroes for your tummy.

But it’s not just about digestion. Get this: the health of your gut can affect your mood, your immune system, and even your skin! It’s all connected. Amazing, right?

Supplements for women over 40 can work wonders, but these 11 are in a league of their own! Discover the secret to ageless energy and vitality. Ready to feel 20 years younger? Read on for the list!


  • Helps with digestion. Bye-bye, bloating!
  • Boosts your immune system. Flu season? We don’t know.
  • Might even help your mood. Gut bacteria that make happy chemicals? Yes, please!
  • Might help with weight management. Not that you need it, goddess.
  • Could help reduce the severity of allergies and eczema.
  • Beauty Bonus: They give you clearer, glowing skin! It’s like a facial from the inside out.

Find it in: Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi are all packed with probiotics. Kombucha is also great if you’re into fizzy drinks.

Pro tip: When it comes to probiotic supplements, more isn’t always better. Look for one with a variety of strains, not just a high CFU count. And keep them in the fridge – these little bugs like it cool!

Sofi’s secret: And don’t forget about prebiotic foods-they feed the good bacteria. Think garlic, onions, and bananas. I like to start my day with a yogurt parfait with chia seeds, topped with banana and a drizzle of honey. Delicious and good for my gut!

Supplements for women over 40 can work wonders, but these 11 are in a league of their own! Discover the secret to ageless energy and vitality. Ready to feel 20 years younger? Read on for the list!

8. Collagen

Your Skin’s Best Friend

All right, let’s talk about something that may be on all of our minds: wrinkles and sagging skin. I know, I know, they’re signs of a life well lived. But if we can keep our skin plump and youthful a little longer, why not?

Here’s the thing: Collagen is like the scaffolding for our skin. It’s what keeps everything perky and in place. The bad news? As we age, our bodies make less of it. The good news? We can give our bodies a helping hand.

But collagen isn’t just about looking good (although that’s a nice bonus). It’s also crucial for our joints, hair, nails, and even our gut health. It’s like an all-in-one supplement for feeling good inside and out.

Supplements for women over 40 can work wonders, but these 11 are in a league of their own! Discover the secret to ageless energy and vitality. Ready to feel 20 years younger? Read on for the list!


  • Keeps skin plump and youthful. Say goodbye to fine lines!
  • Helps maintain joint flexibility. Yoga class, here we come!
  • Great for hair and nails too. Long, strong and fabulous.
  • Supports gut health. Happy tummy, happy life (it’s not just for wrinkles!).
  • May help with weight management by promoting a feeling of fullness.
  • Beauty Bonus: It’s obvious)))

Find it in: Bone broth is a great natural source. You can also get collagen-boosting nutrients from foods like berries, citrus fruits, and leafy greens.

Pro tip: Look for hydrolyzed collagen peptides. They’re easier for your body to use. And don’t expect overnight miracles-it can take a few months to see results. Patience, my friend! It’s like planting a garden; it takes time, but the results are so worth it!

Sofi’s secret: I like to add a scoop to my morning coffee or smoothie. You won’t taste it, but your skin will thank you.

Supplements for women over 40 can work wonders, but these 11 are in a league of their own! Discover the secret to ageless energy and vitality. Ready to feel 20 years younger? Read on for the list!

9. Vitamin E

Your Anti-Aging Superhero

Ladies, let’s talk about those pesky free radicals. No, not your ex – I’m talking about those unstable molecules that can damage our cells and accelerate aging. Rude, right?

Think of vitamin E as your own personal bodyguard. It’s an antioxidant, which means it fights off those nasty free radicals that want to age us before our time. Not on our watch!

But vitamin E isn’t just about looking young (although that’s a nice perk). It’s also great for our heart health, immune system, and it might even help with hot flashes. Is there anything this vitamin can’t do?

Supplements for women over 40 can work wonders, but these 11 are in a league of their own! Discover the secret to ageless energy and vitality. Ready to feel 20 years younger? Read on for the list!


  • Protects your cells from damage. It’s like sunscreen for your insides!
  • Promotes healthy skin and may slow the signs of aging.
  • Helps your immune system. Goodbye, sniffles!
  • Great for your heart. Keep that ticker happy.
  • May help with inflammation. Aches and pains away!
  • Could help balance hormones (hello, easier menopause!).
  • Might improve hair growth.
  • Beauty bonus: Keeps your skin and hair glowing!

Find it in: Nuts and seeds are packed with vitamin E. Think almonds, sunflower seeds, and hazelnuts. Avocados, olive oil, and spinach are also good sources.

Pro tip: When looking for a supplement, look for one with tocotrienols, which have been shown to have superior antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. That’s just a fancy way of saying you’re getting different forms of vitamin E, which is better than just one type.

Sofi’s secret: I love a handful of almonds as an afternoon (or bedtime) snack – it’s like feeding my skin from the inside out. And don’t forget to use vitamin E oil on your skin. It’s great for scars and dry spots!

10. Calcium

Not Just for Strong Bones

All right, let’s bone up on calcium! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.) We all know calcium is great for our bones, but did you know it does so much more? It’s like the mineral nerd!

Here’s the thing: As we age gracefully (because that’s what we’re doing, right?), our bodies start losing calcium faster than we can replace it. And it’s not just about preventing osteoporosis-although that’s important, too!

Calcium is essential for our muscles, our nerves, and even our hearts. Plus, some studies suggest it may help with weight management. As if we needed another reason to love cheese))!

Supplements for women over 40 can work wonders, but these 11 are in a league of their own! Discover the secret to ageless energy and vitality. Ready to feel 20 years younger? Read on for the list!


  • Keeps bones and teeth strong. Osteoporosis? Not in this house!
  • Helps your muscles work properly – for all your yoga moves))
  • Essential for your heart rhythm. Keeps the beat steady.
  • Helps with blood clotting – it’s like your body’s own Band-Aid.
  • And help lower your blood pressure.
  • Might even help you manage your weight. (It’s not the first, right – maybe the secret to a lean body isn’t in the diets?))))
  • Beauty Bonus: Hello, strong nails! Time for a mani-pedi.

Find it in: Dairy products are the way to go, but if you’re not a dairy fan, don’t worry! Leafy greens like kale and collard greens, sardines (with the bones), and fortified plant milks are also great.

Pro tip: Here’s the thing-your body can only absorb so much calcium at once. If you’re taking a supplement, split the dose and take it with food. And always take it with vitamin D-they’re like best friends who work better together!

Sofi’s secret: I like to have a small cheese plate at evening (because I’m that fancy). Add some figs for a calcium boost (yes, just them, about 16% of the recommended daily intake), and you’ve got a delicious, bone-healthy snack. And if dairy isn’t your thing, don’t worry! Leafy greens are calcium superstars, too.

Supplements for women over 40 can work wonders, but these 11 are in a league of their own! Discover the secret to ageless energy and vitality. Ready to feel 20 years younger? Read on for the list!

11. DIM

Your Hormone Helper

Last but not least, let’s talk about DIM. No, it’s not about mood lighting (although that’s always nice). DIM stands for diindolylmethane-try saying that five times fast!

Here’s the scoop: DIM is found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. It’s like a traffic cop for your hormones, helping to keep everything in balance. And let’s face it, with perimenopause and menopause on the horizon, our hormones could use all the help they can get!


  • Helps balance estrogen levels – especially important as we approach menopause.
  • May help with acne. Yes, even adult acne! (Why didn’t anyone warn us about this?)
  • Helps reduce inflammation in the body and supports detoxification in the liver.
  • Might even help reduce hot flashes. Sweater on, sweater off, anyone?
  • Could help you manage your weight (again??? We definitely didn’t know smth when we did all those sweaty workouts trying to lose weight))
  • Beauty Bonus: Balanced hormones can mean clearer, brighter skin!

Find it in: Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage are all great sources. But you’d have to eat a ton to get therapeutic levels)))

Pro tip: If you’re considering a DIM supplement, start low and go slow. Some people may experience headaches when they first start taking it. And as always, check with your doctor, especially if you’re taking hormones.

Supplements for women over 40 can work wonders, but these 11 are in a league of their own! Discover the secret to ageless energy and vitality. Ready to feel 20 years younger? Read on for the list!

Remember, beautiful, what works for your neighbor may not work for you. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor or naturopath before starting any new supplements. They can help you find out what your body really needs.

And hey, don’t forget – supplements are just that, supplements. They’re not magic pills. The foundation of good health is still a balanced diet, regular exercise, good sleep, and stress management. Supplements are just the cherry on top!

Finally, be patient with yourself and your body. It takes time for these nutrients to work their magic. Give it a few months before you decide if something is working for you or not.

You’ve got this, my dear! Here’s to rocking our 40s and beyond with vitality, grace, and a little help from Mother Nature (and maybe a few carefully selected bottles from the health food store).

Cheers to your health!

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